Smista won Kulliyyah of Architectural and Environmental Design (KAED)

GOMBAK, 12 July 2018: The “Teh Tarik” team consisting of five students from Kulliyyah of Architectural and Environmental Design (KAED) won the grand prize in the Pitch Your Product (PYP) IIUM River Innovation Competition for open category. They received RM2000 and certificates of participation. One of their teammates, Hiqmal Nurhakim Bin Roslizam said, “We were shocked and did not expect to win. Among the factors that contributed to this winning was cooperation among team members.” As their pitch project was focusing on usage of filter in the river to filter garbage, the team had hoped that their idea to save the IIUM river would be implemented by the authority in the future. In addition, for the school category, Sekolah Menengah Integrasi Sains Tahfiz Maiwp (SMISTA) was announced as the winner. SMISTA was represented by Muhammad Danish Zairizam, M. Haziq Haikal Abdul Latif, Ahmad Ikhwan Hafidzi Hafez Faisal, Arif Najmi Sharul Mi...